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Rethinking Abortion: The Pro-Life Cause is About Civil Rights

In what could be a watershed moment in the fight to protect life, the niece the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. backed recently passed pro-life laws saying they bestow “civil rights” on unborn children.

Dr. Alveda King, director of Priests for Life’s Civil Rights for the Unborn, has put the full weight of her organization and family name behind the recent “heartbeat” laws passed by Alabama and Georgia. She recognizes that the controversial laws do not punish women in any fashion. Rather, they extend the constitutional right to life to babies that otherwise have no protections.

“It’s a push for justice, a call for justice, not just for babies in the womb, but the mothers have been deceived, as well. I know I was deceived,” Dr. King said. “Is the only objective overturn Roe v. Wade? No. The objective is to give the babies civil rights, to protect and to help the mothers, and then to strengthen the family. That is the goal. It’s not too harsh. It’s not too much. It’s not too extreme.”

Her pivotal statement comes at a time when liberal extremists have seized control over a handful of state governments and passed what can only be regarded as infanticide laws. In New York, a child can be slain in the womb right up until the moment of birth. And, in some cases, an infant can be legally murdered after birth. The pro-life movement has gained momentum through pro-life Trump Administration support. Vice Pres. Mike Pence has been a vocal leader in the right to life. But perhaps no voice garners more attention in the arena of civil rights than the King family.

“I had abortions years ago. And I said, ‘If you really start jumping on the women, you’ll probably want to come after me, but the Lord has forgiven me.’ We’re not going on a headhunt for women with the law in Alabama,” Dr. King added.

In a politically charged interview with Breitbart, King was questioned about the wisdom of drawing a line in the sand just ahead of the 2020 elections. Some conservative pundits believe it would be unwise to make waves that could negatively impact GOP candidates.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy,” King answered. “Now, people are saying, ‘They’re going to put women in jail.’ Absolutely not. But doctors who insist on continuing to abort little people in the womb will have to answer because the doctors themselves medically know that that is a person. That is a human being. Ultrasound shows that to all of us, now, and science has caught up with us.”

The outspoken niece of the civil rights icon appears to be a solid ground in terms of making a stand for fragile unborn babies. In recent years, polls have increasingly tipped toward a majority of Americans no longer supporting Roe v. Wade. In fact, a recent poll showed that 55 percent of Americans agree with laws restricting abortions after six weeks. The pervasive thinking is that when a baby has a heartbeat, he or she is a living human being. Taking life after that moment is nothing short of murder.

Liberal extremists have already flooded social media and fake news outlets with misinformation about the abortion crisis. Planned Parenthood has aligned itself with Hollywood elites who have threatened boycotts of states with pro-life laws. Driven by greed, Planned Parenthood took the lives of more than 337,000 unborn babies in its 2018 fiscal year. The abortion clinics took in upwards of $1 billion all told.

Although Democrats push propaganda claiming the issue is about a “woman’s right to choose.” That false proposition doesn’t explain what those two choices truly entail. That’s because one of those choices involves killing a baby. And as Dr. King discovered from her own experience, the emotional and spiritual harm to women who are duped into killing their child never truly goes away.

“How can I think that abortion is wrong when I have actually had them,” King prompted. “Because the abortions hurt me, and I don’t want to see other women hurt, and I don’t want to see other babies die.”

~ Conservative Zone

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