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Judge Denies Left-Wing Media’s Bid to Expose Manafort Jury

In a move that even many other journalists are calling unprecedented, CNN and a number of other left-wing news stations have asked the judge to publicly release the names of those serving on the Manafort jury along with their home addresses.

The request comes at a pivotal time as the jury, having already asked the judge to clearly define the meaning of “reasonable doubt,” is clearly considering the possibility of absolving Paul Manafort of the charges against him. The media attorney tried to paint the request as an ordinary one, stating that juror names should be made public in most instances; however, no explanation was given for the request for jurors’ home addresses.

As most media channels already know, the Manafort case is hardly an ordinary one. It has already generated an extraordinary amount of interest as it is viewed as being a litmus test for the legitimacy of the Mueller probe.

The good news for jurors is that the Federal Judge T.S. Ellis has denied the request. While he commented before the hearing that a thirsty press is essential in a free country, he also pointed out the fact that he himself has received death threats over the case. In fact, the United States Marshals Service is currently following him everywhere, even to the hotel he stays at. What is more, he has not publicly disclosed the name of the hotel where he stays for safety reasons.

The judge also noted that the jurors and alternate jurors in the case would not be able to avail themselves of protection from the U.S. Marshals Service. Additionally, he took into account the fact that jurors do not opt to serve for a particular case; they are summoned and have little say in the matter. If jurors were harassed over the verdict given in the case, it would deter others from serving in this important capacity.

The move to out jurors’ names and personal information would almost certainly lead to harassment. In fact, CNN and other left-wing media outlets have a history of harassing individuals they happen to disagree with. Earlier this year, CNN threatened to release a GIF creator’s personal information online simply because he created a short video making fun of CNN, and that video happened to be tweeted out by President Trump. The network also harassed an elderly woman who happened to support President Trump simply because she may have promoted a post-election event that some say could have been “coordinated by the Russians”; the coverage subsequently resulted in the poor woman being harassed and threatened.

Furthermore, CNN and a number of other mainstream news outlets not only depicted the Trayvon Martin shooting as a hate crime when this was not in fact the case but also released George Zimmerman’s personal information online, a move that naturally resulted in Mr. Zimmerman being harassed online.

The move to forcibly release juror information is almost certainly designed to harass jurors into providing a guilty verdict even if the jury does not think that such a verdict is in order. The fact that the motion was filed right before the weekend is suspect because the Manafort jury is not sequestered, and so has access to news stories about the case. Seeing that the mainstream media is already poised to go after them could result in some jurors considering a different verdict just to avoid the harassment that could easily follow a politically incorrect decision.

Unfortunately, the mainstream media stopped caring about truth, justice and objectivity a long time ago. While it has always been a known fact that most mainstream outlets lean to the left, the last couple of years have made it painfully obvious that most reporters are more interested in promoting their own agenda than in actually providing real news. The call to out the Manafort jury is just the latest example.

~ Conservative Zone

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16 thoughts on “Judge Denies Left-Wing Media’s Bid to Expose Manafort Jury”

  1. The MSM is not the friend of the people…in fact they have become the “enemy” of the people with all their lies, spins, half truths and slanderous stories none of which are based on fact…CNN is living proof that the mainstream media has prostituted themselves in their constant production of “fake” news for those weak minded people who are accustomed to reading tabloid news stories available at the grocery store…Without the “fake” news article their news business would take a big hit…their ratings would drop…advertisers would stop advertising…supposed journalist would be fired…salaries would be stall…and big time bonuses would come to a halt…This is why the MSM resorts to “fake” news…apparently there are people out there who enjoy reading and or watching the “crap” they are so well versed in.

  2. Just EXACTLY what the hell does manforts tax problems have to do with Russia collusion. Gee let me see NOT A DAMNED THING. The Mueller investigation has ALWAYS been a LIE and STRICTLY a political attempt to delegitimise a sitting president PERIOD. It is a criminal act and should be ENDED. The democrats geting a free pass to commit these crimes is a dreadful disgrace to the integrity of this country.

    1. Amen. It seems to be all about getting rid of President Trump. Our Country is in much better shape now. The big problem is the Elites lost control of America when President Trump gave the power back to the people. The list goes on and on about the things he has done well. He sees Guatemalans are escorted here under the order of their Government. They claim danger. Truth in many cases as with Mexico. Billions of dollars is wired into their economy every year. That is money Americans could have made I think they said 17% of Guatemala’s economy comes from America in Wired money. Then don’t forget the money America sends in aid. This is Globalism on the move. It is being done all over the world. Countries get invaded and demand that country become like them. Socialism does not work. When the invasion is complete the countries will crumble and that is when men like Soros steps in and gets richer. Will not be long before the New World Order steps up to bat. President Trump through a monkey wrench in the plans. Heck, we understand why all of the Russian collusion came about. To prove Russia is not friends with President Trump they accuse him of it to keep them apart. Lord knows the Elite does not want two large Christian Nations to get along. My own opinion.

    2. Well, MontieR, you obviously have not read the province of the Investigation which includes other crimes discovered in the process of the investigation. Seem right-wing did not mind that when the Ken Starr investigation spent twice as much time starting with Whitewater, finding nothing and impeaching Clinton based on a non-crime, consensual sex with Lewinskil Second, the special prosecutor has a case against Manafort coming up soon that should show the connections with Russian mobsters (oligarchs) and Manafort and the Trump campaign. The Republicans tried on several occasions to get Clintons, Whitewater, Bengazi, emails . . . which all failed. Let this investigation run its course also, and if there is no evidence, then the stuff on Trump will fail. Trump now has five legal fronts because he had done so many crimes. Seriously important people are now working with the special investigator, and we have at least 5 top Trump people admitted guilt. Face it, Trump has made it worse for himself by his arrogance and big mouth interviews.

  3. I’m so disappointed in the media reporting these days!! They report only what they deem to report and they don’t check that it’s accurate before they report it! I have quit watching all news programs!

  4. The lame bias pathetic media is truly “the enemy of America”. They have been biasly misreporting the news since the early 60s and have gotten worse over the years.


  6. How DARE the Manafort Investigators amass and present documented evidence of corruption, payoffs, money laundering and Tax Evasion during the 2016 Campaign ? Hell – hasn’t Emperor Trump done all three many times over ? (And if HE has done it , that means its not illegal , right ?). Boy – Next thing you know, the rest of the World will be demanding to see TRUMP’S tax returns! (You know – the ones he promised to release as soon as he was elected two years ago ?) The Nerve of a Free Press – to actually try to present FACTS and SWORN DOCUMENTS against the “Dear Leader’s” Crowd’s blusters, slanders and evasions ! Next thing you know Americans will be demanding that Trump actually READ and OBEY the Constitution and all its Amendments still in force like he swore an Oath to ! Oh Horrors !

    1. and how dare a jury of his peers declare him not guilty

      by the way, what exactly has Manforts’ alleged financial corruption from decades ago got to do with Russian collusion? oh that’s right NOTHING

      nothing more than a dog & pony witch hunt for imbecile lefty entertainment

    2. Carl,
      Great job at your attempt to use a little satire to unscale the blindness, and the ignorance great job!
      But one thing I learned long time ago….you can’t reason with dumb. God bless you for trying!!!

  7. I always exclusively watched NBC local and national news since the 80’s….that is until the summer of 2016. I watched most of the debates, and remember many times saying to my family “What the Hell is going on?” I had never before watched cable Fox News until after Chris Wallace (Fox News) monitored the Presidential debate. I then realized Wallace was the ONLY debate monitor who was FAIR. He was just as tough on Clinton as on Trump. It’s been quite an eye-opener on just how skewed and biassed the MSM has become. I’m guessing the MSM’s real hard push ever-leftward came during Obama’s administation. Anyway, I now find the only way of getting any semblance of truth is with Fox News, Newsmax, and One America. These networks are also somewhat biassed, but actually trustworthy and truthful. MSM doesn’t even attempt to provide only the facts and ALL the facts…they just shamelessly push their leftist agendas and propaganda!

  8. Andrew Cuomo makes a public statement that “America was never great”. The media bend over backwards to publish articles stating that Cuomo really didn’t mean it. This is the modus operandi of the news media and the democrats, particularly the left wing democratic socialists and left wing media organizations like CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS. Say what you really feel and then retract it.
    Today’s media is after President Trump and his administration and it is blatantly obvious.

  9. The few times i watch msnbc news i see Joe in the morning, You have some washed up politician that could not get reelected telling president Trump how to run the country and damning him at ever turn, his blonde headed side kick trying to look sick when the name Trump is mentioned, they get a panel of five or six never Trumper’s to critic ever thing president Trump does or has ever done, IT IS SICKENING TO WATCH, i JUST TURN TO fox news or OAN NEWS TO GET WHAT IS REALLY THE TRUTH.

  10. Very similar tactics like giving juniors names out, was used by the Chinese Communist Red Guard preventing fair court room trials due to fear of the mob. They did the same criminal acts to the police office who killed Michael Brown charging at him in rage, after he attacked the same cop trying to seize his weapon. Then the biggest lying pos of all got personally, involved making it deadly to be a police officer, Barrack Obama. Media helped pushing an untruth that led to the murder of innocent cops nation wide. We had the FBI out committing crimes, and cover ups for Barrack as his personal secret police goons. Change you can believe just took hold enjoy it, as we watch in amazement our own destruction by a corrupt federal government and federal agencies.

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