Florida has joined the ranks of states that are serious about protecting children from mentally deranged school shooters. The next time a would-be mass murderer tries to enter a Florida school, teachers will be ready to shoot back.
“Everybody wants to know ‘How do we prevent it?’ How can we stop it? We don’t look at it as we want more guns, we look at it as we want more protection,” Bay County Schools Superintendent Bill Husfelt said. “You know experiencing that myself put a different spin on it and a different understanding about what goes on in those situations. You know, until you’re standing in front of someone with a gun pointed at you, you don’t realize how helpless you really are.”
Despite the constant push by Democrat extremists to strip everyday Americans of their Second Amendment self-defense rights, Florida lawmakers have come to terms with the reality that bad actors will find a way to arm themselves. The decision to allow teachers to join the Coach Aaron Feis Guardian Program and carry firearms in public schools was considered controversial. But school districts such as Bay County have opted to arm teachers and prevent another potential Parkland school massacre.
The Parkland killer took the lives of 17 students and staff members at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High. The district had relied on a single resource officer to stop any threats to the children. Everyday Americans may remember resource officer Scott Pederson cowering outside as the massacre ensued. The “coward of Broward,” as he has been called, faces 11 charges for what amounts to criminal negligence for failing to come to the aid of students and staff members. After watching Pederson hide outside for upwards of 45 minutes during the killing spree, it became abundantly clear that individuals must be prepared with determined self-defense.
Despite the undeniable fact that deterrence requires an immediate armed response, liberals continue to deny reality. Parents of Parkland victims want firearms in the hands of trained school employees who are in a position to save lives.
“We do believe in the Guardian Program, we do believe in school resource officers, and we do believe in having trained police officers on the campus,” Parkland parent Tony Montalto said. “We need an armed person on campus able and willing to react properly.”
It’s difficult to reconcile the faulty reasoning among anti-Second Amendment advocates after the Parkland massacre. The video footage demonstrably proves that parents cannot rely on the hope that a single armed guard will rise to meet a threat. Pederson faces 11 counts that carry as much as 15 years behind bars for failing to come to children’s defense. And while the vast majority of police officers would certainly put themselves in harm’s way to protect children, it takes only one coward to have a heart-wrenching outcome such as Marjory Stoneman Douglas High.
And that’s a gamble large Florida school districts are willing to take with child safety. Miami-Dade and the Orlando school districts have reportedly opted out of the Guardian Program that trains teachers and school staff members in firearm safety and threat response. Miami-Dade and Orlando will continue to rely on a resource officer to learn about a shooter in a wing of a building, run to student and faculty defense, and neutralize the threat. The time it takes for even the bravest law enforcement officer to do his or her job will most certainly cost lives.
“The bad guys will never know when the good guys are there to shoot back,” Republican state Rep. Chuck Brannan reportedly said after passing the measure. “The guardian is the last line of defense. He or she will be there when a police officer is not.”
Florida Democrats vehemently opposed the measure that Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law, and the political swing state has seen 39 of 67 counties adopt the school protection policy. Upwards of 1,100 school workers have chosen to take the Guardian Program and be fully prepared to defend the lives of school-aged children, if necessary. The program is named after Coach Aaron Feis, a hero who lost his life shielding students from the Parkland shooter.