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Leftist Gun Group Prepares for Civil War

In what is beginning to look like a repeat of the militia groups of the 90s, leftist groups are forming militant organizations preparing to go to war against middle America.

According to a report from Far Left Watch, “[T]he recent spike in political violence has come from the left, overwhelmingly. More concerning is the uptick of far leftist organizations openly advocating for ‘armed struggle,’ especially considering the targeted shooting of Republican Majority Whip Steve Scalise by a deranged left-wing activist.”

The group calls itself Redneck Revolt, which is further self-describes as an “above ground militant organization.” The group was founded this year. In their short time as an “above ground organization,” Redneck Revolt has grown into a nationwide network of so-called “community defense” project that calls itself pro-worker, anti-racist and focused on “liberating the working classes from oppressive systems which dominate our lives.”

If their words were to be taken seriously, we might presume they are interested in working to help those who have lost their jobs to NAFTA and the TTP deals created by Democrats which have sent millions of jobs overseas. Apparently, this is not even close — it is these same hard working Americans, who voted for Trump in the hopes of having their livelihoods brought back to the United States, who are the stated targets of these militant groups.

The proof is in the pudding on the organization’s own website, which seems to repeat the same talking points of other far-left movements such as Occupy Wall Street and Antifa.

“If we, as working class people, want to see a reality of political, social, and economic freedom, REAL freedom for all people, then we must directly contribute to a struggle against all oppression, especially white supremacy,” the group’s website reads.

This increased militarism from the political left is certainly alarming, but not surprising. While ordinary, hard-working Americans have been laboring to provide for their families, pay their bills, and advocate for policies that won’t hinder their ability to make ends meet, leftist media companies and politicians have been steadily working to demonize them in the minds of Democratic voters.

They are told that if you do not want looser immigration controls than Canada, you are racist. They are told that if you believe an unborn baby has a right to live, you hate women. They are told that if you oppose the redistribution of your tax money to make it easier for people to avoid work, you are selfish. They are told that people who believe responsible gun ownership is a key element of your right to self-defense, are only hoping for the chance to murder minorities.

To put it simply, if you do not see the world the way they do, they believe you are a dangerous, violent, subhuman creature. It does not please us to say things that sound like exaggerations. But this has been borne out again and again.

The left looks at conservatives as Nazi dinosaurs with no redeeming qualities. Their postmodernist, deconstructionist worldview tells them that debate and logic are only tools of the oppressor. They see the world in terms of the oppressor and the oppressed.

Not only is this their worldview, it is their cosmology. That means, in their minds, there is no escape from the struggle for power. Therefore, their goal is to dominate — not to debate. That’s why every communist regime in history has lead to genocide, labor camps, famine, and war.

The left has been working so hard to push these ideas that many of them are afraid for their lives. They, as a class of people, have succeeded in convincing themselves and each other that if you support Donald Trump, you are a Nazi who deserves to be attacked, beaten, and possibly killed.

There has long been a division between the left and the right in this country. But never since the Civil War has it been this ready to become violent. Right now, leftist groups are amassing firearms and training to use them. They are doing what they believe conservative-leaning gun owners have been training to do: not to hunt for food or sport, not to defend their homes against criminals, and not to defend their communities from the possibility of a tyrannical government — but to attack and kill them.

The good news is that while these groups practice for gun violence against conservatives, the majority of their targets can take comfort knowing they are probably far better trained in the safe and effective use of guns. Our hope is that Redneck Revolt will realize how badly out-gunned they are before beginning their misguided civil war.

~ Conservative Zone

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