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Democrats’ Rhetoric May Actually Be Endangering Lives

Even before the election of President Donald Trump, the Democratic Party has been bullying nearly every public figure to the right of Huego Chavez.

While Hillary Clinton rolled her eyes and tried to take the focus off questions of her own trustworthiness, she laid fodder for the uproar that came when conservatives won the vote. Indeed, even during her concession speech, Clinton urged a fight for “what’s right,” implying that President Trump winning the election was wrong.

She implored, “And to the young people in particular, I hope you will hear this…This loss hurts, but please never stop believing that fighting for what’s right is worth it. And so we need — we need you to keep up these fights now and for the rest of your lives.”

Since then, Clinton supporting, Democratic media outlets like CNN have been relentless in filling their headlines daily with antagonistic slurs against the president – skewing every move he makes, and everything he says into something either nefarious, ignorant or uptight. It’s bullying in the public arena, and yet it’s never been called out.

Insults, baseless accusations and finger-pointing have become the order of the day, all because the liberal candidate lost. In a nation with two major political parties, one side will always be the “loser.” But in this instance, the insidious rhetoric of the Democratic Party has become so hateful that it is now endangering lives.

In fact, it’s not a stretch to say that the Democratic Party is bordering on the crime of ‘incite to riot’ with its incessant aggressive discourse against our elected president and his constituents.
The recent shooting of GOP congressman, Steve Scalise, has brought this situation in stark reality. During a Republican’s baseball game practice, Congressman Scalise was the target of a deranged gunman who was angry about President Trump.

“Hodgkinson, who had been living in his van in Alexandria for the past few months, had posted anti-Trump rhetoric on his Facebook page and had written letters to his hometown newspaper blaming Republicans for what he considered an agenda favoring the wealthy.”

In the shootout, Steve Scalise was critically injured, as well as four other innocent people. Scalise is still hospitalized, and has only recently been upgraded from a condition of critical to serious. It remains to be seen whether he will survive this senseless attack based on guileful remarks from the Democratic Party and liberal media.

The hateful attitude toward Republicans that has culminated (so far) in a shooting that targeted a husband and father was preceded by a series of increasingly hostile acts toward Republicans and conservatism.

In a May 2017 town hall meeting, Republican Raul Labrador was booed when he stated his opinion about health care. Granted, town hall booing is not new. But this is not an isolated event where conservatives have been silenced and threatened since Clinton called for “fighting.”

This phenomenon has also affected conservatives in the private sector. Would-be speaker Ann Coulter pulled out of her speech at Berkeley citing fears for her safety after riots, and threats against her conservative viewpoints were allowed to happen without authoritative intervention. Trump supporters have been increasingly under physical assault from liberal idealists fueled by Democratic rhetoric.

There is no doubt many conservatives were dismayed at the first and second election of Barack Obama. But the difference between being disappointed and actively seeking to undermine every single effort to achieve national unification stands in stark contrast when recent events against conservatives are considered.

It seems that liberals are taking Clinton’s call to arms literally when an innocuous baseball game on a Wednesday morning turned into a crime scene, thanks to a radicalized Bernie Sanders supporter.

Ongoing bullying by talk show hosts eager for ratings, by the liberal media like CNN and Fox, and even by elected officials in the Democratic Party has led to an onslaught of mounting aggression against President Trump, his family and supporters.

If this country is ever going to be unified, this aggression must end. Thankfully, people like Michelle Malkin are finally speaking out about the “hate-filled” rhetoric of these “clowns” on late night talk shows. But if we are ever to put an end to the spewing of insults and incite to riot, the whole country must come together.

~ Conservative Zone

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